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Joe Biden, accused of forgetting Donald Trump’s name during virtual rally


Joe Biden mocked after forgetting Donald Trump’s name during a virtual rally

Trump tweeted this morning: ‘Joe Biden called me George yesterday. Couldn’t remember my name.

‘Got some help from the anchor to get him through the interview.

The Fake News Cartel is working overtime to cover it up!’

Biden last night appeared to say that ‘George’ was president, perhaps a reference to George W. (2001-09)

or maybe George H.W. (1989-93)

Joe Biden mocked, The 77-year-old former VP said we need to avoid ‘four more years of George’

When Biden said ‘George’, his wife Jill said Trump under her breath

Republicans used blunder to once again raise questions about elder statesman’s mental capacity

But Democrats pointed out he was speaking to George Lopez who was hosting the virtual rally.



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